All Microsoft Edge Shortcuts that make using Microsoft Edge easier

Microsoft Edge is the fast, safe web browser that gives you continuous browsing experience on your Windows 10. The following are common keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Edge that can help you browse the web more efficiently.

Microsoft Edge Shortcuts

Alt + Home = Go to your home page

Alt + Left arrow = Go Back

Alt + Right arrow = Go Forward

F5 = Reload

Spacebar = Scroll down

Shift + Spacebar = Scroll up

Home = Go to the top of the page

End = Go to the bottom of the page

Ctrl + Plus sign = Zoom in

Ctrl + Minus sign = Zoom out

Ctrl + Zero = Reset the zoom level

Ctrl + N = Open a new browser window

Ctrl + P = Print the current webpage

Ctrl + Shift + P = Open a new InPrivate Browsing window

Ctrl + Shift + R = Start Reading View

Ctrl + Shift + Del = Open the Clear Browsing Data window

Shift + Left click = Open a link in a new window

Esc = Stop loading the webpage

Ctrl + D = Save the current webpage to your favorites

Ctrl + E = Start a search

Ctrl + F = Find on this page

Ctrl + G = Open your Reading List

Ctrl + H = Open your Browsing History

Ctrl + I = Open your Favorites

Ctrl + J = Open your Downloads

Ctrl + L = Select the Address bar

Ctrl + 1 to 8 = Switch to the specified tab

Ctrl + 9 = Switch to the last tab

Ctrl + Tab = Switch to the next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab = Switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + K = Duplicate Tab

Ctrl + T = Open a new tab

Ctrl + W = Close the current tab

Ctrl + Shift + T = Reopen the last closed tab

I hope you’ve learned some useful shortcuts that make using Microsoft Edge easier.

Leave your ideas, feedback and suggestions below

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